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I am a 21 year old makeup enthusiast and university student.


Thursday, 6 March 2014

MAC Brush Cleaner vs DIY!

It's really important to clean your makeup brushes regularly, and if you don't, you really need to start! Bacteria builds up on the brushes after every use, so imagine how much bacteria and oil you're putting on your face if you haven't washed them for weeks! Washing your makeup brushes can help keep away spots and blackheads, making your skin look even better when you apply your makeup, and helps prolong the life of your brushes, which is a good thing as they can be pricey!!

The first makeup brush cleanser I ever tried was MAC's Brush Cleanser: http://www.maccosmetics.co.uk/product/135/307/Products/Kit-Essentials/Tools/Brush-Cleanser/index.tmpl it retails for £10 which is expensive for some pink liquid in a bottle, and if you wash your brushes as regularly as you're supposed to, it goes very quickly.  It does do its job, there is no dispute about that, but there is a much cheaper option out there that does the job just as well!

Here are my makeup brushes, ready for a good scrub!

The alternative to the MAC cleanser that I'm going to show you is simply antibacterial soap and baby shampoo, both of which can be found in your local supermarket for a fraction of the price MAC's cleaner! As you can see the shampoo and antibacterial soap are both half empty, but I've been using them for a good few months so they will last you a long time!

Let's compare how well each cleanser does it's job: 

I cleaned this brush using the MAC cleanser. As you can see, before I washed it it was gross and full of makeup.  Afterwards it looks like new again! 

Now I'll show you how to make the brush cleaner using the antibacterial soap and baby shampoo, it's super easy: 

Simply put a squirt of each into a dish and swirl your brush into it before lathering in water and rinsing out.

Here's a brush I washed in the DIY cleaner.  As you can see it has removed all of the makeup and hasn't left any stains on the bristles it looks brand new! 

I washed a duo fibre brush with the DIY cleanser to show you must how white and clean it makes your brushes.  The tip of the brush is blending in with the white tiles! 

The antibacterial soap will kill all the bacteria that has built up on your brush, and the baby shampoo will make them nice and soft, so it's the perfect combination! 

Here's all my brushes nice and clean :) 

I hope you found this review helpful! 
Thanks for reading!

Aislinn x